
Daily meeting system ensures daily production performances well-aligned
ACEG Pakistani Branch  |  Updated: 2019-09-04  |  Views: 6424
ACEG Pakistani Branch`s Project of Afghan Embassy in Pakistan, has newly decided to implement the daily staff meeting system to ensure the scheduled completion of the main structures of the three buildings by the end of September and all the main structures in May next year.
The daily staff meetings will be attended by both Chinese and Pakistani staff. Previously, the Project implemented weekly meeting system, nevertheless the communication between Chinese and Pakistani staff was not smooth, which affected the connection efficiencies in various jobs.
In order to strengthen the communications between Chinese and Pakistani staff, the Project holds a short meeting about ten minutes every day before coming off work time, the overall coordinated working tasks for each job of the next day will be deployed ahead of time to ensure that the daily production work orderly and effectively and it also helps a lot to promote the localized managements.
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