
Governor of Tébessa Province inspected Tébessa University Town Project
ACEG Algerian Branch  |  Updated: 2019-08-29  |  Views: 6067
On the morning of August 26,H.E. Mr. Atala Maulti, the Governor of Tébessa Province, Algeria, together with the representatives of the Owner, the Project Supervisors, the University and other parties related, inspected Tébessa University Town Project, which was under construction and contracted by ACEG Algerian Branch.
H.E. Mr. Atala Maulti made a detailed understanding of the construction progresses of the Project and affirmed the construction speed and quality of the Project and highly praised the good reputation of ACEG in the field of construction in Algeria.
He stressed that the Tébessa University Town Project was one of the key projects in the Province and he required the Project to continue to strengthen the organization and managements and focus more on the current key works and further accelerate the progresses of the Project. He also asked and learned about the difficulties that the Project was facing and promised to coordinate the solutions with all related functioning unites.
Mr. Ma Cunquan, Project Manager of Tébessa University Town, ACEG Algerian Branch, has expressed his gratitude to Governor Atala Maulti for his long-term care and support for the University Town Project, and saying the Project will organize scientifically and take effective measures to ensure the construction time limit under the premise of the quality and safety specified.
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