
ACEG Angolan Branch is formulating its local staff management system
ACEG Angolan Branch  |  Updated: 2019-08-20  |  Views: 6090
In order to develop a better local staff management system standardizing the management of local Angolan staff, ACEG Angolan Branch held an opinion gathering meeting attended by all the local employees with the Branch`s headquarters on the morning of August 8 local time, the meeting was presided over by Yanyan Ma, Director of the Office of the Branch, and Mr. Logan, the Corporate Lawyer also attended the meeting.
Each of the local staff has actively made his/her own presentation of opinions at the meeting,   and Mr. Logan, the corporate lawyer,has presented his opinions and proposals of the current management system of the Branch from the points of laws and the analyzation of everyone`s opinions and next, the Branch will update and revise its management systems according to the local laws and regulations of Angola and these opinions as well.
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