
Project Team of Tabessa University Town attended the Governor`s reception
ACEG Algerian Branch  |  Updated: 2019-06-06  |  Views: 5353
ACEG Algerian Branch news
On the evening of May 30, local time, H.E. Atala Maulti, the Governor of Tabessa Province, Algeria, held Eid reception at a local hotel. Mr. Ma Cunquan, Project Manager of Tabessa University Town, ACEG Algerian Branch, together with his 3 colleagues attended the event at invitation.
Mr. Ma Cunquan spoke at the reception as the contractor of Project Tabessa University Town, he has extended his season`s greetings and gratitude to H.E. Governor and all the friends attending the reception for their supports and help to Project Tabessa University Town over the past and briefed his team`s development achievements in recent years and the main performances and the Project progresses and the cooperation works with the relevant government departments.
H.E. Atala Maulti, the Governor of Tabessa Province, has always attached great importance to the Tabessa University Town Project. In May this year, he has visited the working-sites of this project for several times and got an in-depth understanding of the project progresses and problems encountered and held a special meeting of the Governor on May 20, assisting the Project in solving problems such as delay of the supplementary contract, of the payment schedule and of the time limit renewals.
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