
Embassy counselor encouraged ACEG to undertake more quality projects in Pakistan
ACEG Overseas  |  Updated: 2019-03-22  |  Views: 5293
March 20th, Islamabad, Mr. Hu Haitao, General Manager of ACEG Pakistan Branch, called on H.E. Mr. Wang Zhihua, Economic and Commercial Counselor of Chinese Embassy in Pakistan, Mr. Hu has extended his gratitude to Mr. Wang and the Commercial Counselor`s Office of Chinese Embassy in Pakistan with a silk banner for their valuable supports and help all along.
H.E. Mr. Wang Zhihua encouraged ACEG Pakistan Branch to continue to in-depthly exploit the Pakistani market and undertake more high-quality engineering projects and urged to give special attention to the security of projects in sensitive areas.
防城港市| 葵青区| 昆山市| 新乡市| 福海县| 雅安市| 沈阳市| 台山市| 哈尔滨市| 秦安县| 玉龙| 五河县| 拉萨市| 沽源县| 和田县| 名山县| 南投市| 汉川市| 海林市| 武胜县| 开化县| 赤壁市| 抚宁县| 海晏县| 阿克| 淮安市| 六盘水市| 千阳县| 图们市| 保靖县| 乾安县| 大姚县| 民县| 永德县| 宝应县| 淮滨县| 桃源县| 兴安县| 左贡县| 永修县| 义乌市|